Pig Out — Hogs and Humans in Global and Historical Context

Pig Out Conference Papers

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Conference papers available now

Noel Amano, Philip J. Piper, Hsiao-chun Hung, & Peter Bellwood
Introduced Domestic Animals in the Neolithic and Metal Age of the Philippines: Evidence From Nagsabaran, Northern Luzon
Benjamin Arbuckle:
Paper forthcoming
Febe Armanios:
Paper forthcoming
Alexander Blanchette:
Paper forthcoming
Colleen Glenney Boggs:
Paper forthcoming
Bob Comis:
Paper forthcoming
Lauren Derby
Bringing the Animals Back in: Writing Quadrupeds into the Environmental History of Latin America and the Caribbean
Jan Dutkiewicz:
Paper forthcoming
Barry Estabrook:
Paper forthcoming
Mark Essig:
Lesser Beasts — The Magical Animal
Thomas Fleischman:
The Garden-City Paradise
Aaron Gross:
Paper forthcoming
Lori Gruen:
Paper forthcoming
Greger Larson:
Paper forthcoming
Peter Li:
Paper forthcoming
Catherine McNeur:
Taming Manhattan: Environment Battles in the Antebellum City
James McWilliams:
Paper forthcoming
Brett Mizelle:
Paper forthcoming
Marcy Norton:
Paper forthcoming
Philip Piper:
Early evidence for Pig and Dog Husbandry from the Neolithic Site of An Son, Southern Vietnam
Gabriel Rosenberg:
Paper forthcoming
Jordan D. Rosenblum:
A Brief History of Pork and Jewish Identity from the P Source to Pulp Fiction
Mindi Schneider:
Wasting the Rural: Meat, Manure and the Politics of Agro Industrialization in Contemporary China
James Scott:
Paper forthcoming
Brad Weiss:
Hybrids, Breeds, and Brands: How “Heritage Pigs” Matter
Rebecca Woods:
Porcine Bloodlines and Imperial Ties: Revitalizing the Tamworth Breed of Pig circa 1977
Jeff Yoskowitz:
Paper forthcoming

Last updated 20 October 2015 (Tuesday) at 07:06:10 PDT